张前前,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2019-2020年赴德国哥廷根大学访学一年,2021年06月获南京农业大学农学博士学位。主要研究领域为碳氮循环与生态环境、根际微生态和植物健康,承担本科生《土壤肥料学》、《土壤改良学B》、《农业资源与环境科技论文写作》以及研究生《高级植物营养学》、《外文科技文献阅读与写作》等课程。主持国家自然基金1项,浙江省自然科学基金1项,江苏省创新项目1项,磐安重点项目1项等。近年来,在《Soil Tillage Research》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Environmental Pollution》、《Science of The Total Environment》等学术期刊上发表论文30余篇,其中SCI收录20余篇。指导本科生获全国农资专业技能大赛特等奖和全国低碳循环大赛一等奖,指导本科生主持“国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目”“浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划项目”等创新训练项目。担任SCI期刊《European Journal of Soil Biology》编委和《土壤通报》、《土壤》青年编委,并担任《Biology and Fertility of Soils》等期刊审稿专家。
7.菜地氧化亚氮产生过程辨析及羟胺和亚硝态氮的潜在贡献,国家自然科学基金面上项目(41977078),2020/01- 2023/12,2/6;
24.Zhang, QQ.,Wu, Z., Zhang, X., Duan, P.,Shen, HJ.,Gunina, A.,Yan, XY., Xiong, Z.*, 2021. Biochar amendment mitigated N2O emissions from paddy field during the wheat growing season.Environmental Pollution281: 117026.
23.Zhang, QQ., Duan, PP., Anna, G., Zhang, X.,Yan, XY., Kuzyakov, Y., Xiong, Z.*, 2021. Mitigation of carbon dioxide by accelerated sequestration from long-term biochar amended paddy soil [J].Soil Tillage Research, 2021, 209: 104955.
22.Zhang, QQ., Zhang, X., Duan, P., Jiang, X., Shen, H., Yan, X., Xiong, Z.*, 2021. The effect of long-term biochar amendment on N2O emissions: Experiments with N15-O18isotopes combined with specific inhibition approaches.Science of The Total Environment769: 144533.
21.Zhang, QQ., Song, Y., Wu, Z., Yan, X., Gunina, A., Kuzyakov, Y., Xiong, Z.*, 2020.Effects of six-year biochar amendment on soil aggregation, crop growth, and nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiencies in a rice-wheat rotation.Journal of Cleaner Production242, 118435.
20.Zhang, QQ., Wakelin, S.A., Liang, Y., Chu, G.*, 2018. Soil microbial activity and community structure as affected by exposure to chloride and chloride-sulfate salts. Journal of Arid Land 10, 737-749.
19. Teng, QM., Lu, XN.,Zhang, QQ., Cai, LL., Sardar, MF., Li, YF., Abbas T., Li, Y., Chang, Scott X., Li, YC., 2023. Litterfall quality modulates soil ammonium and nitrate supply through altering microbial function in bamboo encroachment of broadleaf forests, Geoderma, 437,116592.
18. Xu X., Bi R., Song M., Wang B., Dong Y.,Zhang Q., Xiong Z., 2024. Optimizing organic substitution: balancing carbon sequestration and priming effects of a six-year field experiment for sustainable vegetable production. Sustainable Production and Consumption.
17.Zhang, X. Xu, X., Wang, C.,Zhang, Q., Dong, Y., Xiong, Z*., 2023. DMPP mitigated N2O and NO production via inhibiting ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in an intensified vegetable field under different temperature and moisture regimes. Pedosphere. 10.1016/j.pedsph. 2023.03.018
16. Shen, HJ., Wang, BX., Jiao, Y.,Zhang, QQ., Xiong, ZQ., 2023. Bacteria are more sensitive than fungi to soil fertility in an intensive vegetable field. Applied Soil Ecology 190, 105003.
15. Bi, R., Xu, X., Zhan, L., Chen, A.,Zhang, Q.,Xiong, Z., 2023. Proper organic substitution attenuated both N2O and NO emissions derived from AOB in vegetable soils by enhancing the proportion of Nitrosomonas. Science of The Total Environment, 866, 161231.
14. Miao, D., Peng, X., Teng, Q., Muhammad F.,Zhang, Q.,Zhu, X., Li, Y., 2023. Different contributions of bacterial and fungal communities to nitrogen mineralization in Moso bamboo-invaded subtropical forests. J Soils Sediments 23, 1123–1134.
13. Bi, R.,Zhang, Q.,Zhan, L., Xu, X., Zhang, X., Dong, Y., Yan, X., Xiong, Z., 2022. Biochar and organic substitution improved net ecosystem economic benefit in intensive vegetable production. Biochar 4, 46.
12. Shen, H.,Zhang, Q., Bi, R., Xu, X., Zhang, X., Fan, C., Xiong, Z., 2022. Linkages of nitrogen-cycling microbial resistance and resilience to soil nutrient stoichiometry under dry-rewetting cycles with different fertilizations and temperatures in a vegetable field. Sci Total Environ 820, 153294.
11. Xu, X.,Zhang, Q., Song, M., Zhang, X., Bi, R., Zhan, L., Dong, Y., Xiong, Z., 2022. Soil organic carbon decomposition responding to warming under nitrogen addition across Chinese vegetable soils. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 242, 113932.
10. Zhang, X.,Zhang, Q., Xu, X., Dong, Y., Xiong, Z., 2022b. Biochar Mitigated Yield-Scaled N2O and NO Emissions and Ensured Vegetable Quality and Soil Fertility: A 3-Year Greenhouse Field Observation. Agronomy 12, 1560.
9. Zhang, X.,Zhang, Q., Zhan, L., Xu, X., Bi, R., Xiong, Z., 2022c. Biochar addition stabilized soil carbon sequestration by reducing temperature sensitivity of mineralization and altering the microbial community in a greenhouse vegetable field. Journal of Environmental Management 313, 114972.
8.Shen, H.,Zhang, QQ., Zhu, S., Duan, P., Zhang, X., Wu, Z., Xiong, Z.*, 2021. Organic substitutions aggravated microbial nitrogen limitation and decreased nitrogen-cycling gene abundances in a three-year greenhouse vegetable field. Journal of Environmental Management 288, 112379.
7.Shen, H.,Zhang, QQ., Zhang, X., Jiang, X., Zhu, S., Chen, A., Wu, Z., Xiong, Z.*, 2021. In situ effects of biochar field-aged for six years on net N mineralization in paddy soil.Soil and Tillage Research205, 104766.
6.Duan, P.,Zhang, QQ., Xiong, Z.*, 2020. Temperature decouples ammonia and nitrite oxidation in greenhouse vegetable soils.Science of The Total Environment733, 139391.(1区,IF5-year= 6.419/SCI)
5.Wu, Z.,Zhang, QQ., Zhang, X., Duan, P., Yan, X., Xiong, Z.*, 2020. Biochar-enriched soil mitigated N2O and NO emissions similarly as fresh biochar for wheat production.Science of The Total Environment701, 134943.
4.Duan, P.,Zhang, QQ., Zhang, X., Xiong, Z.*, 2019. Mechanisms of mitigating nitrous oxide emissions from vegetable soil varied with manure, biochar and nitrification inhibitors.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology278, 107672.
3.Duan, P., Fan, C.,Zhang, QQ., Xiong, Z.*, 2019. Overdose fertilization induced ammonia-oxidizing archaea producing nitrous oxide in intensive vegetable fields.Science of The Total Environment650, 1787-1794.
2.Duan, P., Wu, Z.,Zhang, QQ., Fan, C., Xiong, Z.*, 2018a. Thermodynamic responses of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria explain N2O production from greenhouse vegetable soils.Soil Biology and Biochemistry120, 37-47.
1.Duan, P., Zhang, X.,Zhang, QQ., Wu, Z., Xiong, Z.*, 2018b. Field-aged biochar stimulated N2O production from greenhouse vegetable production soils by nitrification and denitrification.Science of The Total Environment642, 1303-1310.
7.朱爽阁,张前前,徐昕彤,毕瑞玉,宋燕凤,熊正琴.田间老化生物质炭减缓稻麦轮作系统土壤N2O排放能力低的机理[J].土壤学报, 2022, 1-11
6.蒋雪洋,张前前,沈浩杰,何铁虎,熊正琴*.生物质炭对稻田土壤团聚体稳定性和微生物群落的影响[J].土壤学报, 2020, 11.
2.陈安枫,张溪,张前前,朱爽阁,熊正琴*.菜地氨氧化微生物驱动的N2O和NO对有机无机肥配施的响应[J].环境科学学报, 2021,41(8):3374-3383.