孟亮,博士,讲师,2023年毕业于南京农业大学,获环境污染控制工程专业工学博士学位,同年加入浙江农林大学环境与资源学院,主要从事污水高级氧化处理工艺、环境功能催化材料的设计及消毒副产物的识别与控制等相关研究。在Water Research/Journal of Hazardous Materials/Chemical Engineering Journal/Journal of Cleaner Production/ Chemosphere等期刊上发表多篇SCI论文,其中以第一作者发表SCI论文5篇。
[1]Meng Liang, Dong Jiayue, Chen Jing, Li Lei*, Huang Qingguo, Lu Junhe*. Activation of peracetic acid by spinel FeCo2O4nanoparticles for the degradation of sulfamethoxazole.Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 456, 141084.
[2]Meng Liang, Dong Jiayue, Chen Jing*, Lu Junhe, Ji Yuefei. Degradation of tetracyclines by peracetic acid and UV/peracetic acid: Reactive species and theoretical computations.Chemosphere. 2023, 320, 137969.
[3]Meng Liang, Chen Jing, Kong Deyang, Ji Yuefei, Lu Junhe*, Yin Xiaoming, Zhou Quansuo. Transformation of bromide and formation of brominated disinfection byproducts in peracetic acid oxidation of phenol.Chemosphere. 2022, 291, 132698.
[4]Meng Liang, Gan Lu, Gong Han, Su Jun, Wang Ping, Li Wei, Chu Wei, Xu Lijie*. Efficient degradation of bisphenol A using High-Frequency Ultrasound: Analysis of influencing factors and mechanistic investigation.Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 232, 1195-203.
[5]Meng Liang, Sun Yang, Gong Han, Wang Ping, Qiao Wei-chuan, Gan Lu, Xu Lijie*. Research progress of the application of graphene-based materials in the treatment of water pollutants.New Carbon Materials. 2019, 34(3), 220-37.
[6] Xu Haiyan,Meng Liang, Zhao Xulei, Chen Jing, Lu Junhe, Chovelon Jean-Marc, Ji Yuefei*. Accelerated oxidation of the emerging brominated flame retardant tetrabromobisphenol S by unactivated peroxymonosulfate: The role of bromine catalysis and formation of disinfection byproducts.WaterResearch. 2021, 204, 117584.
[7] Xu Lijie*,Meng Liang, Zhang Xiaoxiao, Mei Xiang, Guo,Xuewen, Li Wei, Wang Ping, Gan Lu*. Promoting Fe3+/Fe2+cycling under visible light by synergistic interactions between P25 and small amount of Fenton reagents.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019, 379, 120795.
[8] Geng Aobo,Meng Liang, Han Jingquan, Zhong Qiang, Li Meirun, Han Shuguang, Mei Changtong, Xu Lijie, Tan Lin, Gan Lu*. Highly efficient visible-light photocatalyst based on cellulose derived carbon nanofiber/BiOBr composites.Cellulose. 2018, 25(7), 4133-44.
[9]孟亮,甘露,李威,王平,孙阳,徐立杰*.超声技术降解水中双酚A的性能和机理研究.水处理技术. 2020, 46(6), 69-75.