于旭彪,博士,教授,博士研究生导师。浙江省中青年学科带头人、宁波市领军拔尖人才计划、宁波大学“浙东青年学者”。2011年毕业于华南理工大学环境工程专业,2013-2014在美国克莱姆森大学从事博士后研究,2020年在丹麦技术大学从事访问学者研究。研究领域为水环境污染物溯源技术、农业面源污染控制、城乡水质提升与修复、近海水环境保护、新型污染物的监测与环境行为等。主持中国博士后基金1项、国家自然科学基金项目3项,主持或参与省市级课题10余项、地方服务项目多项。参与完成国家自然科学基金重点项目、美国农业部项目等。担任Journal of Environmental Quality期刊Associate Editor、浙江省“污水零直排”专家组成员、浙江省海洋学会理事等。在Water Research等国内外学术期刊发表论文60余篇,出版英文专著1部。
5. 宁波典型农村河道污染物快速溯源技术研究与示范,宁波市科技局重点项目,2019-2021
7. 校人才启动项目,地表水污染物精准溯源技术研发与应用,2024-2026
1.Duan, N.,Yu, X.*, Jiang, Z., Chen, H., Feng, H*., Kang, Y., Ma, H., Zhu H. 2024. Impacts of an intensive traditional mariculture model on offshore environments as evidenced by dissolved organic matter and bacterial communities.Water Research. 267, 122530-122540.
2.Jin, M.,Yu, X.*, Yao, Z., Tao, P., Li, G., Zhao, J.-L., Peng, J., 2020. How biofilms affect the uptake and fate of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) in microplastic: Insights from an In situ study of Xiangshan Bay, China.Water Research. 184, 116118-119127.
3.Luo Y., Tong G., Song Q., Tao P., Jin M., Gu N., Zheng M., Yu X.,Yu, X.*, 2022. Impacts of shipyard oil leakage on the PAHs and PCBs occurrence in Xiangshan Bay, China.MarineEnvironmentalResearch. 190: 154946-154955.
4.Huang Y., Chen M., Wang Z., Jiang L., Fan S., Zheng R.,Yu, X.*, 2022. Impacts of terrestrial input on the distribution characteristics of microplastics in the East China Sea characterized by chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) analysis.Science of the Total Environment. 838: 156559-156567.
5.Jiang L, Chen M, Huang Y, Peng J, Zhao J, Chan F,Yu, X.*, 2022. Effects of different treatment processes in four municipal wastewater treatment plants on the transport and fate of microplastics.Science of the Total Environment. 831: 154946-154955.
6.Tong G, Yang X, Li Y, Jin M, Yu X, HuangY.,Yu, X.*, 2022. Impacts of haze on the photobleaching of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in surface water.EnvironmentalResearch.212: 113305-113313.
7.宋庆斌, 王政, 陈明龙, 戴玉霞, 董玲倩, 于旭彪*, 沙龙滨, 2021.基于有色溶解性有机质(CDOM)解析陆源污染物在东海区域的分布特征. 环境科学学报, 41(5): 1950-1959.
8.Tao, P., Jin M.,Yu X.*, Yu, J., Zheng, R, 2021. Spatiotemporal Variations in Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in a Mixed Land-use River: Implications for Surface Water Restoration. Journal of Environmental Management. 277, 1-10.
9.Gu, N., Song, Q., Yang, X.,Yu, X.*, Li, X., Li, G., 2020. Fluorescence characteristics and biodegradability of dissolved organic matter (DOM) leached from non-point sources in southeastern China. Environmental Pollution 258,569-578.
10.李昀,魏鸿杰,王侃,张招招,于旭彪*, 2019.溶解性有机物(DOM)与区域土地利用的关系:基于三维荧光-平行因子分析(EEM-PARAFAC).环境科学 40, 1751-1759.
11. Xu, Y., Chan, F.K.S., He, J., Johnson, M., Gibbins, C., Kay, P., Stanton, T., Xu, Y., Li, G., Feng, M., Paramor, O.,Yu, X. and Zhu, Y.-G., 2021. A critical review of microplastic pollution in urban freshwater environments and legislative progress in China: Recommendations and insights.Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 51(22), 2637-2680.
1.基于三维荧光光谱法对地表水表面浮油快速溯源的方法,ZL 202210419638.3,1/2
2.一种表层水中微塑料采集装置及采集方法,ZL 201710242699.6,1/5
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