孙涛,博士,副研究员。本人主要从事土壤地力提升、土壤养分循环与转化、养分资源综合管理等研究工作。近年来主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目。已在《Science of the Total Environment》、《AppliedSoil Ecology》、《Ecological Indicators》、《Field Crops Research》、《Journal of Soils and Sediments》等知名SCI刊物上发表学术论文13余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文7篇。以第八完成人获得浙江省科技进步奖二等奖1项,以第一起草人编制地方标准1项。
Mao, X.,Sun, T(通讯作者)., Liu, X., Zhou, J., Ma, Q., Wu, L., Zhang, M., 2024. Disentangle the drivers of soil organic carbon mineralization and their temperature sensitivity in both topsoil and subsoil: Implication of thermal stability and chemical composition.Ecological Indicators158, 111399.
Sun, T., Mao, X., Han, K., Wang, X., Cheng, Q., Liu, X., Zhou, J., Ma, Q., Ni, Z., Wu, L., 2023. Nitrogen addition increased soil particulate organic carbon via plant carbon input whereas reduced mineral−associated organic carbon through attenuating mineral protection in agroecosystem.Science of the Total Environment899, 165705.
Sun, T., Mao, X., Ma, Q., Han, K., Wang, X., Cheng, Q., Sheng, X., Mi, W., Wu, L., 2023. Response of rice yield to organic amendments was regulated by soil chemical properties, microbial functional genes and bacterial community rather than fungal community. Applied Soil Ecology 188, 104923.
Mi, W.,Sun, T(共同一作)., Ma, Y., Chen, C., Ma, Q., Wu, L., Wu, Q., Xu, Q., 2023. Higher yield sustainability and soil quality by manure amendment than straw returning under a single-rice cropping system. Field Crops Research 292, 108805.
Sun, T., Yang, X., Tan, X., Han, K., Tang, S., Tong, W., Zhu, S., Hu, Z., Wu, L., 2020. Comparison of Agronomic Performance Between Japonica/Indica Hybrid and Japonica Cultivars of Rice Based on Different Nitrogen Rates. Agronomy 10, 171.
Sun, T., Yang, X., Tang, S., Han, K., He, P., Wu, L., 2021. Genotypic Variation in Nutrient Uptake Requirements of Rice Using the QUEFTS Model. Agronomy 11, 26.
Sun, T., Beiyuan, J., Gielen, G., Mao, X., Song, Z., Xu, S., Ok, Y.S., Rinklebe, J., Liu, D., Hou, D., Wong, J.W.C., Wang, H., 2020. Optimizing extraction procedures for better removal of potentially toxic elements during EDTA-assisted soil washing. Journal of Soils and Sediments 20, 3417-3426.
主要粮经作物养分资源高效利用关键技术集成与应用.浙江省科学技术进步奖二等奖. 2021-J-2-048-R08.
孙涛,黄越,陈翔,王京文,吴良欢,马闪闪,尉吉乾,商小兰,姚志昊,贺希格都楞,韩科峰,程琪,徐著,楼玲,赵海莹,孟鹏翔,张海娟,胡康赢,朱诚,王渡丹,李衍.低碳生态农场碳排放核算与评价规范.浙江省杭州市地方标准,DB3301/T 1136—2024.