肖谋良,男,1987年生,博士,讲师,2020年获中国科学院大学生态学博士学位。2018-2019年赴英国Bangor University联合培养一年。2020-2023年在宁波大学植物病毒学研究所进行博士后研究。主要研究涉及土壤微生物生态、土壤碳循环、污染物(微塑料)对农田土壤功能影响等方面。主持国家青年基金项目1项,先后参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、国际合作与交流项目、宁波市重大项目和宁波市公益项目等10余项。在《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Soil Biology and Biochemistry》、《Plant and Soil》、《European Journal of Soil Science》等国际期刊发表SCI论文20余篇。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:微塑料积累对旱地红壤有机碳矿化和转化的影响机制(编号:42107341),2022 – 2024,30万元,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:亚热带典型水稻土有机碳微生物利用效率的元素计量学驱动机制(编号:41877104),2019 – 2022,61万元,骨干成员。
3. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目:水稻根际碳沉积的量化及其对根际土壤微生物多样性形成的作用机制(编号:41811540031),2018 – 2020,20万元,骨干成员。
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:大气CO2浓度升高条件下水稻光合碳在土壤中的转化和稳定机制(编号:41771334),2018 – 2021,63万元,骨干成员。
5. 宁波市重大科技任务攻关项目:大田土壤地力提升与养分资源高效利用技术集成与示范(编号:2021Z101),2021 – 2024,300万元,骨干成员。
6. 宁波市公益科技计划重点项目:宁海白枇杷精准施肥增效关键技术研究与示范(编号:2021S013),2021 – 2024,50万元,骨干成员。
7. 宁波市公益科技计划重点项目:环境友好型地膜覆盖技术研究与示范(编号:2022S103),2022 – 2025,50万元,骨干成员。
8. 英国自然环境研究委员会(The UK Natural Environment Research Council)和全球挑战研究基金(the Global Challenges Research Fund):农田微塑料污染对食品安全和农业可持续发展的影响(Do agricultural microplastics undermine food security and sustainable development in developing countries)(编号:NE/V005871/1),2021 – 2025,8.5万英镑,骨干成员。
1. Liu Y, Sauheitl L, Cai G,Xiao M*, Shibistova O, Guggenberger G,2023. Meta-analysis on the effects of types and levels of N, P, and K fertilization on organic carbon in cropland soils.Geoderma. 437: 116580.
2. Liu Y*, Shibistova O, Cai G, Sauheitl L,Xiao M*, Ge T, Guggenberger G,2023. Microbial response on changing C:P stoichiometry in steppe soils of Northern Kazakhstan.Plant and Soil. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-023-06235-9.
3. Xiao M, Ding J, Luo Y, Zhang H, Yu Y, Yao H, Zhu Z, Chadwick DR, Jones D, Chen J, Ge T,2022. Microplastics shape microbial communities affecting soil organic matter decomposition in paddy soil.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 431, 128589.
4. Xiao M, Shahbaz M, Liang Y, Yang J, Wang S, Chadwick DR, Jones D, Chen J, Ge T,2021. Effect of microplastics on organic matter decomposition in paddy soil amended with crop residues and labile C: A three-source-partitioning study.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 416, 126221.
5. Xiao M, Zang H, Liu S, Ye R, Zhu Z, Su Y, Wu J, Ge T,2019. Nitrogen fertilization alters the distribution and fates of photosynthesized carbon in rice–soil systems: a13C-CO2pulse labeling study.Plant and Soil,445(1-2), 101-112.
6. Xiao M, Zang H, Ge T, Chen A, Zhu Z, Zhou P, Atere CT, Wu J, Su Y, Kuzyakov Y,2019. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on rice photosynthate allocation and Carbon input in paddy soil.European Journal of Soil Science, 70, 786-795.
7. Tong Y, Ding J,Xiao M,Shahbaz M, Zhu Z, Chen M, Kuzyakov Y, Deng Y, Chen J, Ge T,2023. Microplastics affect activity and spatial distribution of C, N, and P hydrolases in rice rhizosphere.Soil Ecology Letters, 5(3), 220138.
8. Liu Y,Xiao M,Shahbaz M, Hu Z, Zhu Z, Lu S, Yu Y, Yao H, Chen J, Ge T,2022. Microplastics in soil can increase nutrient uptake by wheat.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 438, 129547.
9. Wei L, Li Y, Zhu Z, Wang F, Liu X, Zhang W,Xiao M, Li G, Ding J, Chen J, Kuzyakov Y, Ge T,2022. Soil health evaluation approaches along a reclamation consequence in Hangzhou Bay, China.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 337, 108045.
10. Zhang H, Zheng X, Wang X, Xiang W,Xiao M, Wei L, Zhang Y, Song K, Zhao Z, Lv W, Chen J, Ge T,2022. Effect of fertilization regimes on continuous cropping growth constraints in watermelon is associated with abundance of key ecological clusters in the rhizosphere.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 339, 108135.
11. Wei L, Zhu Z, Razavi BS,Xiao M, Dorodnikov M, Fan L, Yuan H, Yurtaev A, Luo Y, Cheng W, Kuzyakov Y, Wu J, Ge T,2022. Visualization and quantification of carbon "rusty sink" by rice root iron plaque: Mechanisms, functions, and global implications.Global Change Biology, 28(22), 6711-6727.
12. Luo Y,Xiao M, Yuan H, Liang C, Zhu Z, Xu J, Kuzyakov Y, Wu J, Ge T, Tang C,2021. Rice rhizodeposition promotes the build-up of organic carbon in soil via fungal necromass.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 160, 108345.
13. Wei L, Ge T, Zhu Z, Luo Y, Yang Y,Xiao M, Yan Z, Li Y, Wu J, Kuzyakov Y,2021. Comparing carbon and nitrogen stocks in paddy and upland soils: Accumulation, stabilization mechanisms, and environmental drivers.Geoderma, 398, 115121.
14. Wei L, Zhu Z, Liu S,Xiao M, Wang J, Deng Y, Kuzyakov Y, Wu J, Ge T,2021. Temperature sensitivity (Q10) of stable, primed and easily available organic matter pools during decomposition in paddy soil.Applied Soil Ecology, 157, 103752.
15. Atere CT, Gunina A, Zhu Z,Xiao M, Liu S, Kuzyakov Y, Chen L, Deng Y, Wu J, Ge T,2020. Organic matter stabilization in aggregates and density fractions in paddy soil depending on long-term fertilization: Tracing of pathways by13C natural abundance.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 149, 107931.
16. Li Y, Yuan H, Chen A,Xiao M, Deng Y, Ye R, Zhu Z, Inubushi K, Wu J, Ge T,2020. Legacy effect of elevated CO2and N fertilization on mineralization and retention of rice (Oryza sativaL.) rhizodeposit-C in paddy soil aggregates.Soil Ecology Letters, 4(1), 78-91.
17. Zang H,Xiao M, Wang Y, Ling N, Wu J, Ge T, Kuzyakov Y,2019. Allocation of assimilated carbon in paddies depending on rice age, chase period and N fertilization: Experiment with13CO2labelling and literature synthesis.Plant and Soil, 445(1-2), 113-123.
18. 胡志娥,肖谋良,丁济娜,季剑虹,陈剑平,葛体达,鲁顺保,2022.长期覆膜条件下农田土壤微生物群落的响应特征.环境科学, 43(10), 4745-4754.
19. 胡志娥,肖谋良,王双,童瑶瑶,鲁顺保,陈剑平,葛体达,2022.地膜覆盖对农田土壤养分和生态酶计量学特征的影响.环境科学, 43(3), 1649-1656.
20. 祝贞科,肖谋良,魏亮,王双,丁济娜,陈剑平,葛体达,2021.稻田土壤固碳关键过程的生物地球化学机制及其碳中和对策.中国生态农业学报(中英文), DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20210748.
1. 肖谋良,魏晓梦,祝贞科,田宝虎,葛体达,陈剑平.一种溶磷真菌、菌剂及其应用,专利号:ZL202111494579.8,授权日期:2023.05.23。
2. 葛体达,魏亮,肖谋良,魏晓梦,祝贞科,陈剑平.一种溶磷菌、菌剂及其应用,专利号:ZL202111494592.3,授权日期:2023.05.16。
1. 2019年中国科学院地奥奖学金二等奖;
2. 2018-2019年度中国科学院大学“三好学生”。
E-mail: xiaomouliang@zafu.edu.cn