丁养城,副教授,硕士生导师,博士毕业于中国科学院生态环境研究中心,现为浙江农林大学环境与资源学院、碳中和学院专任教师。主要研究方向为水环境中抗生素等新污染物的风险识别与阻控技术研发,主持国家自然科学基金、博士后科学基金等科研项目3项,以第一/通讯作者在WaterResearch、Journal of Hazardous Materials等SCI期刊上发表论文10余篇。硕士研究生招生专业为资源与环境(环境工程)(085700)、农业资源与环境(090300)、资源利用与植物保护(农业资源利用)(095132)。
1.Yangcheng Ding, Huajun Feng, Jinglong Han*, Wenli Jiang, Shuangjing Dong, Haoyi Cheng, Meizhen Wang, Aijie Wang. Effect of UV pretreatment on the source control offloRduring subsequent biotreatment of florfenicol wastewater. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2024, 108(1), 1-13.
2.Shuangjing Dong,Yangcheng Ding*, Huajun Feng, Jixiao Xu, Jinglong Han, Wenli Jiang, Yijing Xia, Aijie Wang.Source preventing mechanism of florfenicol resistance risk in water by VUV/UV/sulfite advanced reduction pretreatment. Water Research, 2023, 235, 119876.
3.Yangcheng Ding, Jinglong Han*, Huajun Feng, Yuxiang Liang, Wenli Jiang, Shuhao Liu, Bin Liang, Meizhen Wang, Zhiling Li, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren. Source prevention of halogenated antibiotic resistance genes proliferation: UV/sulfite advanced reduction process achieved accurate and efficient elimination of florfenicol antibacterial activity. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 849, 157844.
4.Yangcheng Ding1, Bin Liang1, Wenli Jiang, Jinglong Han*, Awoke Guadie, Hui Yun, Haoyi Cheng, Renjun Yang, Shuang-Jiang Liu, Aijie Wang**, Nanqi Ren. Effect of preferential UV photolysis on the source control of antibiotic resistome during subsequent biological treatment systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 414, 125484.
5.Yangcheng Ding, Wenli Jiang, Bin Liang, Jinglong Han*, Haoyi Cheng, Muhammad Rizwan Haider, Hongcheng Wang, Wenzong Liu, Shuangjiang Liu, Aijie Wang**. UV photolysis as an efficient pretreatment method for antibiotics decomposition and their antibacterial activity elimination. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 392, 122321.
6.Yangcheng Ding, Huajun Feng*, Wenkun Huang, Dongsheng Shen, Meizhen Wang. A sustainable method for effective regulation of anaerobic granular sludge: Artificially increasing the concentration of signal molecules by cultivating a secreting strain. Bioresource Technology,2015, 196: 273-278.
E-mail: 20230245@zafu.edu.cn/dingyangcheng89@126.com